Watch this video training to learn everything you need to know about our ceremony calls!

Please note that this video was recorded for the Soul Portal Membership which has officially closed. If you are here from HEAL for a ceremony overview, all information applies to the structure/expectations of our calls!



All religious beliefs, spiritual perspectives, and Universal connections are welcome. It doesn't matter what your beliefs are, this is a safe space for you to be present with your own relationship to spirit and connect to your highest power and true highest self.

 We recommend attending your session in a high vibrational space in your home, or out in nature. Make sure your environment is uninterrupted as this allows you to go deep into your process. Make sure you have space to lay down. Setting up an altar of some kind, lighting a candle, bringing your crystals and creating an ambiance for your experience goes a long way for the effectiveness of your process. You can go through the bonus training we have in your SPE course portal all about how to create a great vibe for your space

 Its helpful to have an intention for your session, but it isn't necessary. We suggest asking the questions: What am I letting go of that doesn't serve me anymore? and "What am I calling in for the next chapter of my life?" 





Inner journal reflection:
Start the call with the first ten minutes of journal reflection. Spiritual music will be played for you to reflect in your journal about the "question of the night" posted on your screen when session starts.
Spiritual Drop in:
After our journaling time, Lauren will come on screen to drop in and share a reflection about what is moving through the energy field in this time collectively, while also sharing some breakthroughs in her personal life and client work. This is the time to allow yourself to receive the lessons as they relate to you in your own personal life.
Card Pull:
After this, Lauren will open up the space with a card pull, and some intention setting work with the center candle (bring your own candle and cards to use during this portion of the ceremony as well.
Guided Meditation
Together we will all lay down in our space, and drop in with a guided meditation either from Lauren or from a guest expert. The meditation will be tailored to the astrological theme of healing for the month and may include sound healing journey, breath work or somatic body movement.
Intuitive Higher Self Activation
Still in our spiritual journey work, Lauren will guide you to an intuitive activation to receive more confidence, more clarity, and more connection to your higher power. This intuitive activation is designed to help you connect to your higher self providing you answers for your deepest transformation.


Reset the Field, Karma and Aura clearing
At the end of our spiritual journey together, Lauren will guide you through a visualization process to clear your energy field and cut cords with anything that has been feeling heavy or resistant in your 3D world. This is a great spiritual clearing exercise that you can use in your daily life delivered live through your ceremony session.


Completion and Closing
Take the remainder of the session to journal with some music for about 10 minutes, and when we are done, you can participate in our closing circle share, where you can hear other women share their experience. Share circle is great to participate in, and just listening allows you to learn some pretty incredible lessons about your own healing journey.





50% Complete

Two Step

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